I tried to optimize the RAM usage of a Android game by changing int primitives to shorts. Before I did this I was interested in the performance of the primitive types in Java.
So I created this little test benchmark using the caliper library.
public class BenchmarkTypes extends Benchmark {
@Param("10") private long testLong;
@Param("10") private int testInt;
@Param("10") private short testShort;
@Param("5000") private long resultLong = 5000;
@Param("5000") private int resultInt = 5000;
@Param("5000") private short resultShort = 5000;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
Random rand = new Random();
testShort = (short) rand.nextInt(1000);
testInt = (int) testShort;
testLong = (long) testShort;
public long timeLong(int reps){
for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++){
resultLong += testLong;
resultLong -= testLong;
return resultLong;
public int timeInt(int reps){
for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++){
resultInt += testInt;
resultInt -= testInt;
return resultInt;
public short timeShort(int reps){
for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++){
resultShort += testShort;
resultShort -= testShort;
return resultShort;
The results of the test surprised me.
Test circumstances
Benchmark run under the Caliper library.
Test results
Int 2.365 ns
Long 2.436 ns
Short 8.156 ns
Test conclusion?
The short primitive type is significantly slower (3-4~ times) than the long and int primitive type?
Why is the short primitive significantly slower than int or long? I would expect the int primitive type to be the fastest on a 32bit VM and the long and short to be equal in time or the short to be even faster.
Is this also the case on Android phones? Knowing that Android phones in general run in a 32bit environment and now the days more and more phones start to ship with 64bit processors.
alone or combined with^=
). @StephenC The current close reason is no more right, so I'd suggest reopening (though it might gets closed as a duplicate of the question you linked). – Scoutmastershort
will reduce your memory footprint. – Uis