I'd like to write a function that deletes all empty folders, with the option to ignore certain file types (allowed file types are stored in the hashmap) and tell if it should look inside directories.
HashMap<String, Boolean> allowedFileTypes = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
allowedFileTypes.put("pdf", true);
deleteEmptyFolders("ABSOLUTE PATH", allowedFileTypes, true);
public static void deleteEmptyFolders(String folderPath, HashMap<String, Boolean> allowedFileTypes, boolean followDirectory) {
File targetFolder = new File(folderPath);
File[] allFiles = targetFolder.listFiles();
if (allFiles.length == 0)
else {
boolean importantFiles = false;
for (File file : allFiles) {
String fileType = "folder";
if (!file.isDirectory())
fileType = file.getName().substring(file.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if (!importantFiles)
importantFiles = (allowedFileTypes.get(fileType) != null);
if (file.isDirectory() && followDirectory)
deleteEmptyFolders(file.getAbsolutePath(), allowedFileTypes, followDirectory);
// if there are no important files in the target folder
if (!importantFiles)
The problem is that nothing is happening, even though it looks through all folders till the end. Is this a good approach or am I missing something completely?