I am new to gatling and scala, so this is definitely a n00b question but I am struggling to figure this out. I found this great blog post to be able to use a UUID feeder http://www.andrewgorton.uk/blog/gatling-uuid-feeder/
object UuidFeeder {
val feeder = new Feeder[String] {
override def hasNext = true
override def next: Map[String, String] = {
Map("uuid" -> UUID.randomUUID.toString());
This works great, my issue is that I can't figure out how to get a new value, when I put it into a loop.
I am using it like this -
val scn = scenario("Test Scenario")
.exec(http("get stuff")
"uuid": "${uuid}",
If I use ${uuid} in a subsequent test, it will be the same value. How do I get a new value for the next call?