You can import JSON data during compile using LOCALS (Jade) or DATA (Pug). This is how I do it via gulpjs and Pug, movieList would be data created in the gulpfile.js and songs.json would be an external file. It's not clear from you code sample if you are using a task manager or express, etc...
var fs = require('fs'),
gulp = require('gulp'),
pug = require('gulp-pug'),
movieList = [{title: "Ocean's Eleven", rating: 9.2}, {title: "Pirates of the Caribbean", rating: 9.7}];
gulp.task('markup', function() {
data: {
// in Jade, this would be "locals: {"
"movies": movieList,
"music": JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync('./songs.json', { encoding: 'utf8' }) )
and in the Pug Template
- var movieList = locals['movies'] // assuming this will eventually be "= data['movies']"
- var musicList = locals['music'] // assuming this will eventually be "= data['music']"
mixin movie-card(movie) movie.title
p= movie.rating
for movie in movieList
mixin song-card(song) #{song.title}
p #{song.rating}
for song in musicList