I have a code, which calculates the nearest voxel (which is unassigned) to a voxel ( which is assigned). That is i have an array of voxels, few voxels already have a scalar (1,2,3,4....etc) values assigned, and few voxels are empty (lets say a value of '0'). This code below finds the nearest assigned voxel to an unassigned voxel and assigns that voxel the same scalar. So, a voxel with a scalar '0' will be assigned a value (1 or 2 or 3,...) based on the nearest voxel. This code below works, but it takes too much time. Is there an alternative to this ? or if you have any feedback on how to improve it further?
""" #self.voxels is a 3D numpy array"""
def fill_empty_voxel1(self,argx, argy, argz):
""" where # argx, argy, argz are the voxel location where the voxel is zero"""
argx1, argy1, argz1 = np.where(self.voxels!=0) # find the non zero voxels
a = np.column_stack((argx1, argy1, argz1))
b = np.column_stack((argx, argy, argz))
tree = cKDTree(a, leafsize=a.shape[0]+1)
distances, ndx = tree.query(b, k=1, distance_upper_bound= self.mean) # self.mean is a mean radius search value
argx2, argy2, argz2 = a[ndx][:][:,0],a[ndx][:][:,1],a[ndx][:][:,2]
self.voxels[argx,argy,argz] = self.voxels[argx2,argy2,argz2] # update the voxel array
""" Here is a small example with small dataset:"""
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import timeit
voxels = np.zeros((10,10,5), dtype=np.uint8)
voxels[1:2,:,:] = 5.
voxels[5:6,:,:] = 2.
voxels[:,3:4,:] = 1.
voxels[:,8:9,:] = 4.
argx, argy, argz = np.where(voxels==0)
argx1, argy1, argz1 = np.where(voxels!=0) # non zero voxels
a = np.column_stack((argx1, argy1, argz1))
b = np.column_stack((argx, argy, argz))
tree = cKDTree(a, leafsize=a.shape[0]+1)
distances, ndx = tree.query(b, k=1, distance_upper_bound= 5.)
argx2, argy2, argz2 = a[ndx][:][:,0],a[ndx][:][:,1],a[ndx][:][:,2]
voxels[argx,argy,argz] = voxels[argx2,argy2,argz2]
timetaken = toc - tic #elapsed time in seconds
print '\nTime to fill empty voxels', timetaken
for visualization:
from mayavi import mlab
data = voxels.astype('float')
scalar_field = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(data)
iso_surf = mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(scalar_field)
surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(scalar_field)
vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(scalar_field,vmin=0,vmax=data.max())
Now, if I have the dimension of the voxels array as something like (500,500,500), then the time it takes to compute the nearest search is no longer efficient. How can I overcome this? Could parallel computation reduce the time (I have no idea whether I can parallelize the code, if you do, please let me know)?
A potential fix:
I could substantially improve the computation time by adding the n_jobs = -1 parameter in the cKDTree query.
distances, ndx = tree.query(b, k=1, distance_upper_bound= 5., n_jobs=-1)
I was able to compute the distances in less than a hour for an array of (400,100,100) on a 13 core CPU. I tried with 1 processor and it takes around 18 hours to complete the same array. Thanks to @gsamaras for the answer!