Using different dimensions of the same dataset, there are three dc.js Line Charts on screen.
When user clicks a datapoint on any lineChart, I wish to locate and return the data values for that corresponding point from all other charts, including the one clicked on.
I am also attempting (on mouseover) to change the circle fill color to red for the datapoint being hovered, as well as for the corresponding datapoint (same "x" value) for all other charts.
I am using the .filter()
method but haven't been successful getting the desired data. The error message is: "Uncaught TypeError: myCSV[i].filter is not a function"
lc1.on('renderlet', function(lc1) {
var allDots1 = lc1.selectAll('');
var allDots2 = lc2.selectAll('');
var allDots3 = lc3.selectAll('');
allDots1.on('click', function(d) {
var d2find = d.x;
var d2find2 =;
alert('Captured:'+"\nX-axis (Date): "+d2find2.x +"\nY-axis (Value): "+ d2find2.y +"\nDesired: display corresponding values from all three charts for this (date/time) datapoint");
allDots2.filter(d=>d.x == d2find2).attr('fill','red');
});//END allDots1.on(click);
function findAllPoints(datum) {
var objOut = {};
var arrLines=['car','bike','moto'];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
thisSrx = arrLines[i];
console.log('thisSrx: '+thisSrx);
//loop thru myCSV obj, compare myCSV[i].date to clicked "x" val
//build objOut with data from each graph at same "X" (d/t) as clicked
objOut[i] = myCSV[i].filter(e => === datum.x)[0][thisSrx];
$('#msg').html( JSON.stringify(objOut) );
console.log( JSON.stringify(objOut) );
}//END fn findAllPoints()
});//END lc1.on(renderlet)