Consider the following development:
Require Import Relation RelationClasses.
Set Implicit Arguments.
CoInductive stream (A : Type) : Type :=
| scons : A -> stream A -> stream A.
CoInductive stream_le (A : Type) {eqA R : relation A}
`{PO : PartialOrder A eqA R} :
stream A -> stream A -> Prop :=
| le_step : forall h1 h2 t1 t2, R h1 h2 ->
(eqA h1 h2 -> stream_le t1 t2) ->
stream_le (scons h1 t1) (scons h2 t2).
If I have a hypothesis stream_le (scons h1 t1) (scons h2 t2)
, it would be reasonable for the destruct
tactic to turn it into a pair of hypotheses R h1 h2
and eqA h1 h2 -> stream_le t1 t2
. But that's not what happens, because destruct
loses information whenever doing anything non-trivial. Instead, new terms h0
, h3
, t0
, t3
are introduced into the context, with no recall that they are respectively equal to h1
, h2
, t1
, t2
I would like to know if there is a quick and easy way to do this kind of "smart destruct
". Here is what i have right now:
Theorem stream_le_destruct : forall (A : Type) eqA R
`{PO : PartialOrder A eqA R} (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : stream A),
stream_le (scons h1 t1) (scons h2 t2) ->
R h1 h2 /\ (eqA h1 h2 -> stream_le t1 t2).
destruct H eqn:Heq.
remember (scons h1 t1) as s1 eqn:Heqs1;
remember (scons h2 t2) as s2 eqn:Heqs2;
destruct H;
inversion Heqs1; subst; clear Heqs1;
inversion Heqs2; subst; clear Heqs2.
split; assumption.