Because of Drive API Quotas, Services Quotas and limit of script execution time 6 min
it's often critical to split Google Drive files manipulations on chunks.
We can use PropertiesService to store continuationToken
for FolderIterator or FileIterator.
This way we can stop our script and on next run continue from the place we stop.
Working example (linear iterator)
// Logs the name of every file in the User's Drive
// this is useful as the script may take more that 5 minutes (max execution time)
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var continuationToken = userProperties.getProperty('CONTINUATION_TOKEN');
var start = new Date();
var end = new Date();
var maxTime = 1000*60*4.5; // Max safe time, 4.5 mins
if (continuationToken == null) {
// firt time execution, get all files from Drive
var files = DriveApp.getFiles();
} else {
// not the first time, pick up where we left off
var files = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(continuationToken);
while (files.hasNext() && end.getTime() - start.getTime() <= maxTime) {
var file =;
end = new Date();
// Save your place by setting the token in your user properties
var continuationToken = files.getContinuationToken();
userProperties.setProperty('CONTINUATION_TOKEN', continuationToken);
} else {
// Delete the token
Problem (recursive iterator)
For retrieve tree-like structure of folder and get it's files we have to use recursive function. Somethiong like this:
doFolders(DriveApp.getFolderById('root folder id'));
// recursive iteration
function doFolders(parentFolder) {
var childFolders = parentFolder.getFolders();
while(childFolders.hasNext()) {
var child =;
// do something with folder
// go subfolders
However, in this case I have no idea how to use continuationToken
How to use ContinuationToken
with recursive folder iterator, when we need to go throw all folder structure?
Is it make sense to construct many tokens with name based on the id
of each parent
folderId1 in parents or folderid2 in parents or ...
– RebuttalGoogle Apps Script
which is my primary choice? Do you mean Advanced Drive Service? Or what kind of stack? – Erida