I am trying to use the javax.xml.xpath package to run XPath expressions on a document with multiple namespaces, and I'm having goofy performance problems.
My test document is pulled from a real, production example. It is about 600k of xml. The document is a fairly complex Atom feed.
I realize that what I'm doing with XPath could be done without. However, the same implementation on other, vastly inferior platforms performs absurdly better. Right now, rebuilding my system to not use XPath is beyond the scope of what I can do in the time that I have.
My test code is something like this:
void testXPathPerformance()
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(loadTestDocument());
XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xp = xpf.newXPath();
NamespaceContext names = loadTestNamespaces();
//there are 12 namespaces in names. In this example code, I'm using
//'samplens' instead of the actual namespaces that my application uses
//for simplicity. In my real code, the queries are different text, but
//precisely the same complexity.
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xp.evaluate("/atom:feed/atom:entry",
doc.getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODESET);
for(int i=0;i<nodes.getLength();i++)
xp.evaluate("atom:id/text()", nodes.item(i));
xp.evaluate("samplens:fieldA/text()", nodes.item(i));
xp.evaluate("atom:author/atom:uri/text()", nodes.item(i));
xp.evaluate("samplens:fieldA/samplens:fieldB/&at;attrC", nodes.item(i));
//etc. My real example has 10 of these xp.evaluate lines
When I run on a Nexus One, (not in the debugger, but with USB connected), the first time through the loop, each xp.evaluate takes somewhere from 10ms to 20ms. By the 15th time through the loop, each xp.evaluate takes somewhere from 200ms to 300ms. By the end of the loop (there are 150 items in nodes
), it takes about 500ms-600ms for each xp.evaluate.
I've tried using xp.compile(). The compiles all take <5ms. I've done xp.reset() (makes no difference). I've done a new XPath object for each evaluate (adds about 4ms).
Memory usage does not appear to spiral out of control during execution.
I'm running this on a single thread in a JUnit test case that doesn't create an activity or anything.
I'm really puzzled.
Does anybody have any idea what else to try?
If I run the for loop backwards (for(int i=nodes.getLength()-1;i>=0;i--)
), then the first few nodes take the 500ms-600ms, and the last ones go fast 10ms-20ms. So, this seems like it has nothing to do with the number of calls, but instead that expressions whose context is near the end of the document take longer than expressions whose context is near the beginning of the document.
Does anybody have any thoughts on what I can do about this?
union node set oparator? Result node set would be in document order. – Antoine