I struggled with these issues for a while before realizing that there is a much better option. I recommend passing JavaScript functions to the Pug render function instead of building them into the template.
What I was doing before was this JavaScript
const render = pug.compileFile(path.join(__dirname, '../templates/sandbox.pug'));
const html = render({});
and this Pug template
- var testFunc = function(){
- return "Test func";
- }
div #{testFunc()} worked!
The better way of achieving the same thing is with this JavaScript
const render = pug.compileFile(path.join(__dirname, '../templates/sandbox.pug'));
const html = render({
testFunc: function(){
return "Test func";
and this Pug template
div #{testFunc()} worked!
This allows you to set breakpoints, use Typescript and all the other cool stuff, and avoids all of the Pug bugs related to parsing JavaScript not very well.