Here's the solution I have settled on. It is far from ideal, but better than the other alternatives I've considered.
I created an Autohotkey script that does the following:
- reverts MS Access files in a repository with detected changes (to .orig files)
- reads in the .orig file (the one with the changes)
- reads in the existing file (the one already in the repository)
- converts the text of both files to lower case
- compares the lower case contents of the files
- if the files still differ, the .orig file is restored so it may be committed to the repository
- if the files are the same (i.e., they differ only in case, the .orig file is deleted because we don't care about those changes)
For files that have actual changes that we care about, I still see the case changes that were made as well. If that results in a lot of noise, I open the file in a comparison tool that allows case-insensitive compares (e.g., kdiff).
It's not a perfect solution, but it removes about 90% of the frustration for me.
Here's my script. Note that the script includes another Autohotkey script, ConsoleApp.ahk, which provides a function named, ConsoleApp_RunWait()
. This is a 3rd party script that no longer works very well with 64-bit AHK, so I'm not including it as part of my answer. Any AHK function that executes a command line and returns the output as a string will suffice.
; This script checks an MS Access source directory and reverts all files whose only modifications are to the
; case of the characters within the file.
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\ConsoleApp.ahk
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Allow for custom path to hg (support for moving to TortoiseHg 2.0)
IniRead hg, %A_ScriptDir%\LocalSettings\Settings.cfg, TortoiseHg, hg_path, hg
if 0 < 1 ; The left side of a non-expression if-statement is always the name of a variable.
MsgBox Usage:`n`HgIgnoreCase DirectoryWithFilesToScrub
SrcDir = %1%
StringReplace SrcDir, SrcDir, ", , All
StringRight test, SrcDir, 1 ; add trailing slash if necessary
ifnotequal test, \
SrcDir = %SrcDir%\
RevertCaseChangeModifiedFiles(SrcDir) {
global hg
includes = -I "*.form" -I "*.bas" -I "*.report" -I "*.table"
cmdline = %hg% revert --all %includes%
;Don't revert items that have been removed completely
Loop 3
Result := ConsoleApp_RunWait(hg . " status -nrd " . includes, SrcDir)
If (Result)
Loop parse, Result, `n, `r
if (A_LoopField)
cmdline = %cmdline% -X "%A_LoopField%"
Result =
;msgbox %cmdline%
;revert all modified forms, reports, and code modules
Loop 3
Result := ConsoleApp_RunWait(cmdline, SrcDir)
If (Result)
;MsgBox %Result%
Loop parse, Result, `n, `r
StringLeft FileStatus, A_LoopField, 9
If (FileStatus = "reverting")
StringMid FName, A_LoopField, 11
FullPath = %SrcDir%%FName%
ToolTip Checking %FullPath%
RestoreIfNotEqual(FullPath, FullPath . ".orig")
RestoreIfNotEqual(FName, FNameOrig) {
FileRead File1, %FName%
FileRead File2, %FNameOrig%
StringLower File1, File1
StringLower File2, File2
;MsgBox %FName%`n%FNameOrig%
If (File1 = File2)
FileDelete %FNameOrig%
FileMove %FNameOrig%, %FName%, 1
RestoreOriginals(SrcDir) {
Loop %SrcDir%*.orig
;MsgBox %A_LoopFileLongPath%`n%NewName%
NewName := SubStr(A_LoopFileLongPath, 1, -5)
FileMove %A_LoopFileLongPath%, %NewName%, 1
while FileExist(SrcDir . "*.orig")
Sleep 10