I tried the new Record type TTimeSpan in Delphi 2010. But I encountered a very strange problem.
assert(TTimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000).Milliseconds = 5000);
This assertion does not pass. The value of 'TTimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000).Milliseconds' is expected to be 5000, but it was 0.
I dig deeper:
function TTimeSpan.GetMilliseconds: Integer;
Result := Integer((FTicks div TicksPerMillisecond) mod 1000);
FTicks = 50000000
TicksPerMillisecond = 10000
FTick div TicksPerMillisecond = 50000000 div 10000 = 5000
(FTick div TicksPerMillisecond) mod 1000 = 5000 mod 1000 = 0 // I do not understand, why mod 1000
Integer((FTick div TicksPerMillisecond) mod 1000) = Integer(0) = 0
My code interpretation is correct, isn't it?
UPDATE: The method GetTotalMilliseconds (double precision) is implemented correctly.