Before anyone goes sharpening their torches or igniting the pitch-forks I'm no expert in what is Pythonic, that stated, seems to me that if first
and/or last
is wanted from a list, in the since of if first
or if last
within a loop, it seems expected to super
the class, and add-in the functionality that is desired... maybe, so what follows is totally pre-alpha version e-1^11% sorta code that may cause havoc if looked at on a Tuesday just the right way...
import sys
## Prevent `.pyc` (Python byte code) files from being generated
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from collections import OrderedDict
class MetaList(list):
Generates list of metadata dictionaries for list types
## Useful resources
- [C Source for list](
- [Supering `list` and `collections.MutableSequence`](
# List supering methods; maybe buggy but seem to work so far...
def __init__(self, iterable = [], **kwargs):
> Could not find what built in `list()` calls the initialized lists during init... might just be `self`...
> If feeling cleverer check the C source. For now this class will keep a copy
## License [GNU_GPL-2](
Generates list of metadata dictionaries for lists types
Copyright (C) 2019 S0AndS0
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
self.metadata = []
for index, value in enumerate(iterable):
if isinstance(value, list):
sub_kwargs = {}
sub_kwargs['address'] = kwargs.get('address', [index])
sub_list = MetaList(iterable = value, **sub_kwargs)
self.append(sub_list, **kwargs)
self.append(value, **kwargs)
# Note; supering order matters when using built in methods during init
super(MetaList, self).__init__(iterable)
def __add__(self, other):
Called when adding one list to another, eg `MetaList([1,2,3]) + [9,8,7]`
- Returns copy of list plus `other`, sorta like `self.extend` but without mutation
## Example input
test_list = MetaList([1 ,2, 3])
longer_list = test_list + [4, 5, 6]
## Example output
print("#\ttest_list -> {0}".format(test_list))
# test_list -> [1, 2, 3]
print("#\tlonger_list -> {0}".format(longer_list))
# longer_list -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
super(MetaList, self).__add__(other)
output = MetaList(self)
return output
def __setitem__(self, index, item, **kwargs):
Called when setting values by index, eg `listing[0] = 'value'`, this updates `self` and `self.metadata`
super(MetaList, self).__setitem__(index, item)
address = kwargs.get('address', []) + [index]
value = item
dictionary = self.__return_dictionary(
address = address,
index = index,
value = value)
self.metadata[index] = dictionary
self.__refresh_indexes(start = index)
def append(self, item, **kwargs):
Appends to `self.metadata` an `OrderedDict` with the following keys
- `address`: `[0]` or `[0, 1, 5]` list of indexes mapping to `value`
- `index`: `0` or `42` integer of index within current listing
- `value`: `string`, `['list']`, `{'dict': 'val'}`, etc; not enabled by default
- `first`: `True`/`False` boolean; item is first in current listing
- `last`: `True`/`False` boolean; item is last in current listing
super(MetaList, self).append(item)
# Update last status of previously last item within `self.metadata`
if self.metadata:
self.metadata[-1]['last'] = False
index = len(self.metadata)
address = kwargs.get('address', []) + [index]
value = item
dictionary = self.__return_dictionary(
address = address,
index = index,
value = value)
dictionary['first'] = False
dictionary['last'] = True
if len(self.metadata) == 0:
dictionary['first'] = True
self.metadata += [dictionary]
def extend(self, listing, **kwargs):
Extends `self.metadata` with data built from passed `listing`
- Returns: `None`
> `kwargs` is passed to `MetaList` when transmuting list types
super(MetaList, self).extend(listing)
for index, value in enumerate(listing):
if isinstance(value, list):
last_address = []
if self.metadata:
# Grab `address` list minus last item
last_address = self.metadata[-1]['address'][0:-1]
# Add this `index` to `address` list for recursing
sub_list = MetaList(value, address = last_address + [index], **kwargs)
self.append(sub_list, **kwargs)
self.append(value, **kwargs)
def insert(self, index, item, **kwargs):
Inserts `item` at `index` for `self` and dictionary into `self.metadata`
- Returns: `None`
Note: `self.metadata[index + 1]` have the following data mutated
- `data['index']`
- `data['address']`
Additionally: `self.metadata[0]` and `self.metadata[-1]` data mutations will occur
- `data['first']`
- `data['last']`
super(MetaList, self).insert(index, item)
address = kwargs.get('address', []) + [index]
dictionary = self.__return_dictionary(
address = address,
index = index,
value = item,
self.metadata.insert(index, dictionary)
self.__refresh_indexes(start = index)
# Off-set to avoid n +- 1 errors ;-)
start = index + 1,
index = len(address) - 1,
modifier = 1)
def pop(self, index = -1, target = None):
Pop value from `self` and `self.metadata`, at `index`
- Returns: `self.pop(i)` or `self.metadata.pop(i)` depending on `target`
popped_self = super(MetaList, self).pop(index)
popped_meta = self.__pop_metadata(index)
if 'metadata' in target.lower():
return popped_meta
return popped_self
def remove(self, value):
Removes `value` from `self` and `self.metadata` lists
- Returns: `None`
- Raises: `ValueError` if value does not exsist within `self` or `self.metadata` lists
super(MetaList, self).remove(value)
productive = False
for data in self.metadata:
if data['value'] == value:
productive = True
if not productive:
raise ValueError("value not found in MetaList.metadata values")
# Special herbs and spices for keeping the metadata fresh
def __pop_metadata(self, index = -1):
Pops `index` from `self.metadata` listing, last item if no `index` was passed
- Returns: `<dictionary>`
- Raises: `IndexError` if `index` is outside of listed range
popped_metadata = self.metadata.pop(index)
addr_index = len(popped_metadata['address']) - 1
## Update values within `self.metadata` dictionaries
self.__refresh_indexes(start = index)
self.__refresh_addresses(start = index, index = addr_index, modifier = -1)
return popped_metadata
def __return_dictionary(self, address, index, value, **kwargs):
Returns dictionaries for use in `self.metadata` that contains;
- `address`: list of indexes leading to nested value, eg `[0, 4, 2]`
- `index`: integer of where value is stored in current listing
- `value`: Duck!... Note list types will be converted to `MetaList`
- `first`: boolean `False` by default
- `last`: boolean `False` by default
> `kwargs`: passes through to `MetaList` if transmuting a list `value`
if isinstance(value, list):
kwargs['address'] = address
value = MetaList(value, **kwargs)
dictionary = OrderedDict()
dictionary['address'] = address
dictionary['index'] = index
dictionary['value'] = value
dictionary['first'] = False
dictionary['last'] = False
return dictionary
def __refresh_indexes(self, start = 0):
Update indexes from `start` till the last
- Returns: `None`
for i in range(start, len(self.metadata)):
self.metadata[i]['index'] = i
def __refresh_addresses(self, start = 0, end = None, index = 0, modifier = -1):
Updates `address`es within `self.metadata` recursively
- Returns: `None`
- Raises: `TODO`
> `index` is the *depth* within `address` that `modifier` will be applied to
if not start or start < 0:
start = 0
if not end or end > len(self.metadata):
end = len(self.metadata)
for i in range(start, end):
metadata = self.metadata[i]
if isinstance(metadata['value'], list):
metadata['value'].__refresh_addresses(index = index, modifier = modifier)
if len(metadata['address']) - 1 >= index:
metadata['address'][index] += modifier
raise Exception("# TODO: __refresh_addresses append or extend address list")
def __refresh_last(self, quick = True):
Sets/re-sets `self.metadata` `last` value
- Returns `True`/`False` based on if `self.metadata` was touched
If `quick` is `False` all items in current listing will be touched
If `quick` is `True` only the last item and second to last items are touched
if not self.metadata:
return False
if len(self.metadata) > 1:
self.metadata[-2]['last'] = False
if not quick and len(self.metadata) > 1:
for i in range(0, len(self.metadata) - 1):
self.metadata[i]['last'] = False
self.metadata[-1]['last'] = True
return True
def __refresh_first(self, quick = True):
Sets first dictionary within `self.metadata` `first` key to `True`
- Returns `True`/`False` based on if `self.metadata` was touched
If `quick` is `False` all items will be touched in current listing
If `quick` is `True` the first and second items are updated
if not self.metadata:
return False
if len(self.metadata) > 1:
self.metadata[1]['first'] = False
if not quick and len(self.metadata) > 1:
for i in range(1, len(self.metadata)):
self.metadata[i]['first'] = False
self.metadata[0]['first'] = True
return True
# Stuff to play with
def deep_get(self, indexes, iterable = None):
Loops over `indexes` returning inner list or value from `self.metadata`
- `indexes` list of indexes, eg `[1, 3, 2]`
- `iterable` maybe list, if not provided `self.metadata` is searched
referance = self.metadata
if iterable:
reference = iterable
for index in indexes:
reference = reference[index]
return reference
def copy_metadata(self):
Returns copy of `self.metadata`
return list(self.metadata)
def yield_metadata(self, iterable = None, skip = {'first': False, 'last': False, 'between': False}, **kwargs):
Yields a *flat* representation of `self.metadata`,
Prefilter via `skip = {}` dictionary with the following data
- `first`: boolean, if `True` skips items that are first
- `last`: boolean, if `True` skips items that are last
- `between`: boolean, if `True` skips items that are not last or first
metadata = self.metadata
if iterable:
metadata = MetaList(iterable).metadata
for item in metadata:
if isinstance(item.get('value'), list):
# Recurse thy self
for data in item['value'].yield_metadata(skip = skip, **kwargs):
yield data
if skip:
if skip.get('first', False) and item['first']:
if skip.get('last', False) and item['last']:
if skip.get('between', False) and not item['first'] and not item['last']:
# If not skipped get to yielding
yield item
... and it maybe buggier than the light fixtures of that one friend that talked to publicly of close encounters, they know who they are... but this does do some nifty tricks
Example input one
meta_list = MetaList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
for data in meta_list.metadata:
if data['first']:
if data['last']:
print("self[{0}] -> {1}".format(data['index'], data['value']))
Example output one
self[1] -> 2
self[2] -> 3
self[3] -> 4
Example input two
meta_list = MetaList(['item one', ['sub item one', ('sub', 'tuple'), [1, 2, 3], {'key': 'val'}], 'item two'])
for data in meta_list.yield_metadata():
address = "".join(["[{0}]".format(x) for x in data.get('address')])
value = data.get('value')
print("meta_list{0} -> {1} <- first: {2} | last: {3}".format(address, value, data['first'], data['last']))
Example output two
meta_list[0] -> item one <- first: True | last: False
meta_list[1][0] -> sub item one <- first: True | last: False
meta_list[1][1] -> ('sub', 'tuple') <- first: False | last: False
meta_list[1][2][0] -> 1 <- first: True | last: False
meta_list[1][2][1] -> 2 <- first: False | last: False
meta_list[1][2][2] -> 3 <- first: False | last: True
meta_list[1][3] -> {'key': 'val'} <- first: False | last: True
meta_list[2] -> item two <- first: False | last: True
If you feel your brains go all minty fresh, but it kinda isn't totally okay and that is in it's own way all the better... to me that be the most Pythonic
Enjoy, and perhaps if there be interest I'll push this to GitHub for all to Pull and Fork.
Side note @fabrizioM +1 for superb use of @property
or an exception is raised the loop can end before the "last" iteration of the loop. – Disorganize