I have read through about every possible solution online, and I get a different result every time.
I have two tables: Clients and Patrons. They both have the same structure: LastName, FirstName, Address, City, State, and Zip. Clients has 108,000 entries while Patrons has only 42,000 entries. And some of those entries are duplicated between the two as I don't have 150,000 clients.
I need one coherent list. The problem I am running into is that some of my clients reside at the same address, so I can't simply remove duplicate addresses as that will remove a legitimate client. And I have some clients with very common names, say Jane Doe, where there are a couple of them at different addresses, so I can't just filter out duplicate last or first names.
I am using Microsoft Access 2010.
Simply turning unique values to YES isn't helping.
I have scoured the Microsoft help files, and I have gotten results of 2 to 168,000 and most everything in between.
How can I get a single list without duplicates without having to alphabetize it and go line by line for 150,000 entries??