EDITED/CORRECTED: Corrected the codes to pass the scipy tests:
Here's an answer based on endolith's answer, but almost eliminating long multi-precision integer calculations by using float64 logarithm representations to do a base comparison to find triple values that pass the criteria, only resorting to full precision comparisons when there is a chance that the logarithm value may not be accurate enough, which only occurs when the target is very close to either the previous or the next regular number:
import math
def next_regulary(target):
Find the next regular number greater than or equal to target.
if target < 2: return ( 0, 0, 0 )
log2hi = 0
mant = 0
# Check if it's already a power of 2 (or a non-integer)
mant = target & (target - 1)
target = int(target) # take care of case where not int/float/decimal
except TypeError:
# Convert floats/decimals for further processing
target = int(math.ceil(target))
mant = target & (target - 1)
# Quickly find next power of 2 >= target
# See https://mcmap.net/q/19995/-given-an-integer-how-do-i-find-the-next-largest-power-of-two-using-bit-twiddling
log2hi = target.bit_length()
except AttributeError:
# Fallback for Python <2.7
log2hi = len(bin(target)) - 2
# exit if this is a power of two already...
if not mant: return ( log2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
# take care of trivial cases...
if target < 9:
if target < 4: return ( 0, 1, 0 )
elif target < 6: return ( 0, 0, 1 )
elif target < 7: return ( 1, 1, 0 )
else: return ( 3, 0, 0 )
# find log of target, which may exceed the float64 limit...
if log2hi < 53: mant = target << (53 - log2hi)
else: mant = target >> (log2hi - 53)
log2target = log2hi + math.log2(float(mant) / (1 << 53))
# log2 constants
log2of2 = 1.0; log2of3 = math.log2(3); log2of5 = math.log2(5)
# calculate range of log2 values close to target;
# desired number has a logarithm of log2target <= x <= top...
fctr = 6 * log2of3 * log2of5
top = (log2target**3 + 2 * fctr)**(1/3) # for up to 2 numbers higher
btm = 2 * log2target - top # or up to 2 numbers lower
match = log2hi # Anything found will be smaller
result = ( log2hi, 0, 0 ) # placeholder for eventual matches
count = 0 # only used for debugging counting band
fives = 0; fiveslmt = int(math.ceil(top / log2of5))
while fives < fiveslmt:
log2p = top - fives * log2of5
threes = 0; threeslmt = int(math.ceil(log2p / log2of3))
while threes < threeslmt:
log2q = log2p - threes * log2of3
twos = int(math.floor(log2q)); log2this = top - log2q + twos
if log2this >= btm: count += 1 # only used for counting band
if log2this >= btm and log2this < match:
# logarithm precision may not be enough to differential between
# the next lower regular number and the target, so do
# a full resolution comparison to eliminate this case...
if (2**twos * 3**threes * 5**fives) >= target:
match = log2this; result = ( twos, threes, fives )
threes += 1
fives += 1
return result
print(next_regular(2**2 * 3**454 * 5**249 + 1)) # prints (142, 80, 444)
Since most long multi-precision calculations have been eliminated, gmpy isn't needed, and on IDEOne the above code takes 0.11 seconds instead of 0.48 seconds for endolith's solution to find the next regular number greater than the 100 millionth one as shown; it takes 0.49 seconds instead of 5.48 seconds to find the next regular number past the billionth (next one is (761,572,489)
past (1334,335,404) + 1
), and the difference will get even larger as the range goes up as the multi-precision calculations get increasingly longer for the endolith version compared to almost none here. Thus, this version could calculate the next regular number from the trillionth in the sequence in about 50 seconds on IDEOne, where it would likely take over an hour with the endolith version.
The English description of the algorithm is almost the same as for the endolith version, differing as follows:
1) calculates the float log estimation of the argument target value (we can't use the built-in log
function directly as the range may be much too large for representation as a 64-bit float),
2) compares the log representation values in determining qualifying values inside an estimated range above and below the target value of only about two or three numbers (depending on round-off),
3) compare multi-precision values only if within the above defined narrow band,
4) outputs the triple indices rather than the full long multi-precision integer (would be about 840 decimal digits for the one past the billionth, ten times that for the trillionth), which can then easily be converted to the long multi-precision value if required.
This algorithm uses almost no memory other than for the potentially very large multi-precision integer target value, the intermediate evaluation comparison values of about the same size, and the output expansion of the triples if required. This algorithm is an improvement over the endolith version in that it successfully uses the logarithm values for most comparisons in spite of their lack of precision, and that it narrows the band of compared numbers to just a few.
This algorithm will work for argument ranges somewhat above ten trillion (a few minute's calculation time at IDEOne rates) when it will no longer be correct due to lack of precision in the log representation values as per @WillNess's discussion; in order to fix this, we can change the log representation to a "roll-your-own" logarithm representation consisting of a fixed-length integer (124 bits for about double the exponent range, good for targets of over a hundred thousand digits if one is willing to wait); this will be a little slower due to the smallish multi-precision integer operations being slower than float64 operations, but not that much slower since the size is limited (maybe a factor of three or so slower).
Now none of these Python implementations (without using C or Cython or PyPy or something) are particularly fast, as they are about a hundred times slower than as implemented in a compiled language. For reference sake, here is a Haskell version:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O3 #-}
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
nextRegular :: Integer -> ( Word32, Word32, Word32 )
nextRegular target
| target < 2 = ( 0, 0, 0 )
| target .&. (target - 1) == 0 = ( fromIntegral lg2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
| target < 9 = case target of
3 -> ( 0, 1, 0 )
5 -> ( 0, 0, 1 )
6 -> ( 1, 1, 0 )
_ -> ( 3, 0, 0 )
| otherwise = match
lg3 = logBase 2 3 :: Double; lg5 = logBase 2 5 :: Double
lg2hi = let cntplcs v cnt =
let nv = v `shiftR` 31 in
if nv <= 0 then
let cntbts x c =
if x <= 0 then c else
case c + 1 of
nc -> nc `seq` cntbts (x `shiftR` 1) nc in
cntbts (fromIntegral v :: Word32) cnt
else case cnt + 31 of ncnt -> ncnt `seq` cntplcs nv ncnt
in cntplcs target 0
lg2tgt = let mant = if lg2hi <= 53 then target `shiftL` (53 - lg2hi)
else target `shiftR` (lg2hi - 53)
in fromIntegral lg2hi +
logBase 2 (fromIntegral mant / 2^53 :: Double)
lg2top = (lg2tgt^3 + 2 * 6 * lg3 * lg5)**(1/3) -- for 2 numbers or so higher
lg2btm = 2* lg2tgt - lg2top -- or two numbers or so lower
match =
let klmt = floor (lg2top / lg5)
loopk k mtchlgk mtchtplk =
if k > klmt then mtchtplk else
let p = lg2top - fromIntegral k * lg5
jlmt = fromIntegral $ floor (p / lg3)
loopj j mtchlgj mtchtplj =
if j > jlmt then loopk (k + 1) mtchlgj mtchtplj else
let q = p - fromIntegral j * lg3
( i, frac ) = properFraction q; r = lg2top - frac
( nmtchlg, nmtchtpl ) =
if r < lg2btm || r >= mtchlgj then
( mtchlgj, mtchtplj ) else
if 2^i * 3^j * 5^k >= target then
( r, ( i, j, k ) ) else ( mtchlgj, mtchtplj )
in nmtchlg `seq` nmtchtpl `seq` loopj (j + 1) nmtchlg nmtchtpl
in loopj 0 mtchlgk mtchtplk
in loopk 0 (fromIntegral lg2hi) ( fromIntegral lg2hi, 0, 0 )
trival :: ( Word32, Word32, Word32 ) -> Integer
trival (i,j,k) = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k
main = putStrLn $ show $ nextRegular $ (trival (1334,335,404)) + 1 -- (1126,16930,40)
This code calculates the next regular number following the billionth in too small a time to be measured and following the trillionth in 0.69 seconds on IDEOne (and potentially could run even faster except that IDEOne doesn't support LLVM). Even Julia will run at something like this Haskell speed after the "warm-up" for JIT compilation.
EDIT_ADD: The Julia code is as per the following:
function nextregular(target :: BigInt) :: Tuple{ UInt32, UInt32, UInt32 }
# trivial case of first value or anything less...
target < 2 && return ( 0, 0, 0 )
# Check if it's already a power of 2 (or a non-integer)
mant = target & (target - 1)
# Quickly find next power of 2 >= target
log2hi :: UInt32 = 0
test = target
while true
next = test & 0x7FFFFFFF
test >>>= 31; log2hi += 31
test <= 0 && (log2hi -= leading_zeros(UInt32(next)) - 1; break)
# exit if this is a power of two already...
mant == 0 && return ( log2hi - 1, 0, 0 )
# take care of trivial cases...
if target < 9
target < 4 && return ( 0, 1, 0 )
target < 6 && return ( 0, 0, 1 )
target < 7 && return ( 1, 1, 0 )
return ( 3, 0, 0 )
# find log of target, which may exceed the Float64 limit...
if log2hi < 53 mant = target << (53 - log2hi)
else mant = target >>> (log2hi - 53) end
log2target = log2hi + log(2, Float64(mant) / (1 << 53))
# log2 constants
log2of2 = 1.0; log2of3 = log(2, 3); log2of5 = log(2, 5)
# calculate range of log2 values close to target;
# desired number has a logarithm of log2target <= x <= top...
fctr = 6 * log2of3 * log2of5
top = (log2target^3 + 2 * fctr)^(1/3) # for 2 numbers or so higher
btm = 2 * log2target - top # or 2 numbers or so lower
# scan for values in the given narrow range that satisfy the criteria...
match = log2hi # Anything found will be smaller
result :: Tuple{UInt32,UInt32,UInt32} = ( log2hi, 0, 0 ) # placeholder for eventual matches
fives :: UInt32 = 0; fiveslmt = UInt32(ceil(top / log2of5))
while fives < fiveslmt
log2p = top - fives * log2of5
threes :: UInt32 = 0; threeslmt = UInt32(ceil(log2p / log2of3))
while threes < threeslmt
log2q = log2p - threes * log2of3
twos = UInt32(floor(log2q)); log2this = top - log2q + twos
if log2this >= btm && log2this < match
# logarithm precision may not be enough to differential between
# the next lower regular number and the target, so do
# a full resolution comparison to eliminate this case...
if (big(2)^twos * big(3)^threes * big(5)^fives) >= target
match = log2this; result = ( twos, threes, fives )
threes += 1
fives += 1