I've been studying onion architecture for a couple of days. I understand that dependencies should always go toward the center and how to use dependency injection to accomplish this. But I have a couple of questions I still couldn't figure out.
Can a model (or entity) reference a repository interface or a service interface?
Eg: an
entity has aDeliveryCity
relationship established throughOder.DeliveryZip
property, which is not a foreign key, but is unique. To get the City for a zip, I must callICityRepository.FindByZip(zip)
I have the following code in my model
class Order { . . . [Inject] public ICityRepository CityRepository { get; set; } private City _dCity; public City DeliveryCity { get { if (_dCity == null) _dCity = this.CityRepository.FindByZip(this.DeliveryZip); return _dCity; } } . . . }
What would be the problems of the above code? Should it use a domain service instead?
Should the domain services implementations be defined inside the core or at the infrastructure layer?