I am using listadmin to manage many mailman-based mailing lists. I have a long list of subjects and from addresses set up to block spam. Recently, I received smarter spam in the sense that it uses nice-looking Unicode characters, eg:
Subject: Al l the ad ult mov ies you' ve see n a r e nothing c ompari- ng t o our exx xci t i ng compilation of 13' 000 mov ies in HD t hat are a v ailable for y ou now!
Subject: HD qua lit y vi d eos an d pho to graph s o f ho t c hic ks
are here for u
Now I want to use a smart Perl regex to block that. Piping these subjects to hexdump revealed many characters are a FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER. However, \p{FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER}
doesn't work: Can't find Unicode property definition "FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER"
So the question is: Is there a \p{something}
to match those fullwidth characters? Alternatively: is there another way to match those characters?