How could I fill the green portion between two arcs shown below using the paint and canvas methods?
Here is how I draw the two arcs, I also could figure out how to connect them with lines but I don't know how I can fill the inner area.
// set to stroke black
paint.setStrokeWidth((float) STROKE_WIDTH);
// outside arc
RectF arc_oval_outside = new RectF((float) (getX()), (float) (getY()),
(float) (getX() + getWidth()), (float) (getY() + getHeight()));
canvas.drawArc(arc_oval_outside, (float) (0.0), (45.0) (ARC_SWEEP), false, paint);
// inside arc
RectF arc_oval_inside = new RectF((float) (getX() + ARC_WIDTH), (float) (getY() + ARC_WIDTH),
(float) (getX() + getWidth() - ARC_WIDTH), (float) (getY() + getHeight() - ARC_WIDTH));
canvas.drawArc(arc_oval_inside, (float) (0.0), (float) (ARC_SWEEP), false, paint);