Let's say that I have the following methods:
On a WebsitesList model:
def create(urls: List[String]) = DB.withTransaction(implicit c => {
val websites = urls.map(Website.create(_))
val listId: Option[Long] = SQL("INSERT INTO LIST (created_date, active) VALUES ({created_date}, {active})").
on('created_date -> new Date(), 'active -> true).
websites.foreach(websiteId =>
SQL("INSERT INTO websites_list (list_id, website_id) VALUES ({listId}, {websiteId})").
on('listId -> listId.get, 'websiteId -> websiteId.id).executeInsert()
throw new Exception()
And on the Website model:
def create(url: String): Website = DB.withConnection {
implicit c =>
val currentDate = new Date()
val insertedId: Option[Long] = SQL("insert into websites (url, Date_Added) values ({url}, {date})").
on('url -> url, 'date -> currentDate).
Website(insertedId.get, url, currentDate)
As you can see, I start a transaction on the WebsitesList create method, and said method calls the create method of the Website model.
My objective is to delete the created websites records if for some reason the WebsitesList fails to be created. In order to test it I raise an exception and as expected, the WebsitesList and List records are not created. However, the websites records are not rollback'd after the exception and stay on the database.
My theory is that the Website.create method created a new connection instead of using the existing one. Anybody knows how I could fix this?