I am able to upload videos locally. The videos are processed using paperclip and all the meta data is saved correctly, as well. When I tried to upload a video using our remote server, I received the error:
Av::UnableToDetect (Unable to detect any supported library)
I have installed ffmpeg
using LinuxBrew. It says everything is installed correctly (checking which brew and which ffmpeg
, as well as checking if the gem is appropriately installed).
When I have styling in my model for the video (which is what enables the meta information to be stored and to have control over how the video is uploaded) it doesn't work remotely.
has_attached_file :video, path: "/posts/:id/:style.:extension",
:styles => {
:medium => { :geometry => "493x877", :format => 'flv' },
:thumb => { :geometry => "100x100#", :format => 'jpg', :time => 10 },
# :mobile => {:geometry => "640X480", :format => 'mp4', :streaming => true}
}, :processors => [:transcoder]
However, when I remove this from my model and have:
has_attached_file :video, path: "/posts/:id/:style.:extension"
The video is uploaded to S3 (without the data or styling that I need).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think AV is having trouble finding ffmpeg but I am not sure why or how to go about fixing it. Thanks in advance for any advice.