I'm doing the example that can be found here. So I'm trying to run IronPython in a C# script:
def hello(name):
print "Hello " + name + "! Welcome to IronPython!"
def add(x, y):
print "%i + %i = %i" % (x, y, (x + y))
def multiply(x, y):
print "%i * %i = %i" % (x, y, (x * y))
using IronPython.Hosting;
using IronPython.Runtime;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
using System;
namespace IntroIronPython
class IronPythonMain
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a new ScriptRuntime for IronPython
Console.WriteLine("Loading IronPython Runtime...");
ScriptRuntime python = Python.CreateRuntime();
// Attempt to load the python file
Console.WriteLine("Loading Python File...");
// Create a Dynamic Type for our Python File
dynamic pyfile = python.UseFile("PythonFunctions.py");
Console.WriteLine("Python File Loaded!");
Console.WriteLine("Running Python Commands...\n");
// Call the hello(name) function
And from here I have this error: "Dynamic Operation cannot be compiled without "Microsoft.CSharp.dll" assembly reference." And I seriously don't understand what that is about, what did I forget to add?
In my references I have:
Thx for your help.
Ps: I'm on MonoDevelop.