This is my modification(Martin, rer answers) to support weeks
attribute and return milliseconds. Some durations may use PT15.460S
def parse_isoduration(str):
## Parse the ISO8601 duration as years,months,weeks,days, hours,minutes,seconds
## Returns: milliseconds
## Examples: "PT1H30M15.460S", "P5DT4M", "P2WT3H"
def get_isosplit(str, split):
if split in str:
n, str = str.split(split, 1)
n = '0'
return n.replace(',', '.'), str # to handle like "P0,5Y"
str = str.split('P', 1)[-1] # Remove prefix
s_yr, str = get_isosplit(str, 'Y') # Step through letter dividers
s_mo, str = get_isosplit(str, 'M')
s_wk, str = get_isosplit(str, 'W')
s_dy, str = get_isosplit(str, 'D')
_, str = get_isosplit(str, 'T')
s_hr, str = get_isosplit(str, 'H')
s_mi, str = get_isosplit(str, 'M')
s_sc, str = get_isosplit(str, 'S')
n_yr = float(s_yr) * 365 # approx days for year, month, week
n_mo = float(s_mo) * 30.4
n_wk = float(s_wk) * 7
dt = datetime.timedelta(days=n_yr+n_mo+n_wk+float(s_dy), hours=float(s_hr), minutes=float(s_mi), seconds=float(s_sc))
return int(dt.total_seconds()*1000) ## int(dt.total_seconds()) | dt
object. The standard lib doesn't have parsing for deltas, but there are packages on PyPI for you topip install
that do. If you want to know how to do it yourself, I think that's too broad for SO; you should have a go and see where (if anywhere!) you get too stuck to continue. – Cohbathdatetime.timedelta
? Is it part of a package? can you give a concrete example of what you want vs what you got? – Giant