Is there a "do notation" syntactic sugar for simple function composition?
(i.e. (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
I'd like to be able to store results of some compositions for later (while still continuing the chain.
I'd rather not use the RebindableSyntax extension if possible.
I'm looking for something like this:
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = do
fmap (++ "!!!")
maxLength <- maximum . fmap length
filter ((== maxLength) . length)
composed ["alice", "bob", "david"]
-- outputs: ["alice!!!", "david!!!"]
I'm not sure something like this is possible, since the result of the earlier function essentially has to pass "through" the bind of maxLength, but I'm open to hearing of any other similarly expressive options. Basically I need to collect information as I go through the composition in order to use it later.
Perhaps I could do something like this with a state monad?
Thanks for your help!
This sort of thing kinda works:
split :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> a -> c
split ab bac a = bac (ab a) a
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = do
fmap (++ "!!!")
(maximum . fmap length)
(\maxLength -> (filter ((== maxLength) . length)))
! – Oilercomposed xs = filter ((== maxLength) . length) modified
where modified = fmap (++ "!!!") xs
maxLength = maximum $ fmap length modified
(with appropriate whitespace) – Turnabout