I am using this code.
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = coordinates
marker.tracksViewChanges = true
marker.icon = UIImage(named:"car")
marker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationNone
marker.map = mapView
location manager code
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation])
let location = locations.last! as CLLocation
if(checkingLocation == false)
let camera = GMSCameraPosition.camera(withLatitude: (location.coordinate.latitude), longitude: (location.coordinate.longitude), zoom: 16.0)
oldLocationCenter = location
marker.position = (locationManager.location?.coordinate)!
self.mapView?.animate(to: camera)
// checkingLocation = true
let updateCam = GMSCameraUpdate.setTarget(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude))
updateMarker(coordinates: location.coordinate, degrees:DegreeBearing(A: oldLocationCenter, B: location) , duration: 10.0)
self.mapView?.animate(with: updateCam)
func updateMarker(coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D, degrees: CLLocationDegrees, duration: Double){
// Keep Rotation Short
marker.rotation = degrees
// Movement
marker.position = coordinates
// Center Map View
let camera = GMSCameraUpdate.setTarget(coordinates)
mapView.animate(with: camera)
func DegreeBearing(A:CLLocation,B:CLLocation)-> Double{
var dlon = self.ToRad(degrees: B.coordinate.longitude - A.coordinate.longitude)
let dPhi = log(tan(self.ToRad(degrees: B.coordinate.latitude) / 2 + M_PI / 4) / tan(self.ToRad(degrees: A.coordinate.latitude) / 2 + M_PI / 4))
if abs(dlon) > M_PI{
dlon = (dlon > 0) ? (dlon - 2*M_PI) : (2*M_PI + dlon)
return self.ToBearing(radians: atan2(dlon, dPhi))
func ToRad(degrees:Double) -> Double{
return degrees*(M_PI/180)
func ToBearing(radians:Double)-> Double{
return (ToDegrees(radians: radians) + 360) / 360
func ToDegrees(radians:Double)->Double{
return radians * 180 / M_PI
By using above code my marker(car)is moving from old to new location also i used these locations for getting bearing angle. But it is not rotating. Is there any other way to achieve this ? Please guide me.