I'm looking for some solutions to use ps auxf
command to show all processes without kernel threads, or maybe anyone know any else program to filter that kernel process?
What I've tried and found:
ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect
OK, but the processes are not arranged like in the usual 'ps aux':
ps axl | awk '$7 != 0 && $10 !~ "Z"'
much more chaos in result
ps auxf | grep -v ]$
In my opinion, it's a stupid solution to cut out after this sign. There are normal processes with ' [ ] '
It would be great if there was a switch like: -k -- show kernel threads
:) and any other option would only show the system processes beginning with Init. Then, using ps aux
or ps auxf
would be more convenient.
Someone? something? knows any better solution.
man ps
:: Commands options such asps -aux
are not recommended as it is a confusion of two different standards. According to the POSIX and UNIX standards, the above command asks to display all processes with a TTY (generally the commands users are running) plus all processes owned by a user named "x". If that user doesn't exist, then ps will assume you really meantps aux
. – Blondie