I'm trying to add Firebase Crashlytics to my Swift 4 iOS app.
I have the SDK installed but I'm having some issues with this dSYM thing, the firebase console tells me I need to upload the dSYM file before I can see any errors.
So I have set up the debug information format to DWARF with dSYM file
for both debug and release and still nothing.
So I'm trying to add this script to my build phases (as instructed by Firebase's documentation)
find dSYM_directory -name "*.dSYM" | xargs -I \{\} $PODS_ROOT/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp /Users/jamie/Documents/CalTest/CalTest/GoogleService-Info.plist -p platform \{\}
Now I have a build error that says
find: dSYM_directory: No such file or directory
What have I done wrong? I've followed the documentation step by step.
I have found the dSYM location and I still have the error on the firebase console.
This script now looks like this:
find "/Users/jamie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CalTest-eijpetsowazsmsegwizzgopcdpcq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos" -name "*.dSYM" | xargs -I \{\} $PODS_ROOT/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp "/Users/jamie/Documents/CalTest/CalTest/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p "ios" \{\}