You would have the same issue than with ArgumenCaptor
as the verify()
method checks the invocation with the state of the object after the execution. No capture is performed to keep only the state at the invocation time.
So with a mutable object I think that a better way would be to not use Mockito and instead create a stub of the Sender
class where you capture the actual size of the collection as send()
is invoked.
Here is a sample stub class (minimal example that you could of course enrich/adapt) :
class SenderStub extends Sender {
private int bufferSize;
private boolean isSendInvoked;
public int getBufferSize() {
return bufferSize;
public boolean isSendInvoked(){
return isSendInvoked;
public void send(List<LogMessage> buffer ) {
this.isSendInvoked = true;
this.bufferSize = buffer.size();
Now you have a way to check whether the Sender was invoked and the size (or even more) of that.
And so put aside Mockito to create this mock and verify its behavior :
SenderStub sender = new SenderStub();
MyClassToTest myClass = new MyClassToTest(sender);
// action
// assertion
Assert.assertEquals(5, sender.getBufferSize());