There are a few ways to do it, I just learned a really cool way using a Singleton class.
I have this component I use to send a message to other users in my chat called SubscriptionService, but you can use any class.
Add this inject to both of your components:
@inject Services.SubscriberService SubscriberService
#region using statements
using DataJuggler.UltimateHelper.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;
namespace BlazorChat.Services
#region class SubscriberService
/// <summary>
/// This class is used to subscribe to services, so other windows get a notification a new message
/// came in.
/// </summary>
public class SubscriberService
#region Private Variables
private int count;
private Guid serverId;
private List<SubscriberCallback> subscribers;
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of a 'SubscriberService' object.
/// </summary>
public SubscriberService()
// Create a new Guid
this.ServerId = Guid.NewGuid();
Subscribers = new List<SubscriberCallback>();
#region Methods
#region BroadcastMessage(SubscriberMessage message)
/// <summary>
/// This method Broadcasts a Message to everyone that ins't blocked.
/// Note To Self: Add Blocked Feature
/// </summary>
public void BroadcastMessage(SubscriberMessage message)
// if the value for HasSubscribers is true
if ((HasSubscribers) && (NullHelper.Exists(message)))
// Iterate the collection of SubscriberCallback objects
foreach (SubscriberCallback subscriber in Subscribers)
// if the Callback exists
if ((subscriber.HasCallback) && (subscriber.Id != message.FromId))
// to do: Add if not blocked
// send the message
#region GetSubscriberNames()
/// <summary>
/// This method returns a list of Subscriber Names ()
/// </summary>
public List<string> GetSubscriberNames()
// initial value
List<string> subscriberNames = null;
// if the value for HasSubscribers is true
if (HasSubscribers)
// create the return value
subscriberNames = new List<string>();
// Get the SubscriberNamesl in alphabetical order
List<SubscriberCallback> sortedNames = Subscribers.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
// Iterate the collection of SubscriberService objects
foreach (SubscriberCallback subscriber in sortedNames)
// Add this name
// return value
return subscriberNames;
#region Subscribe(string subscriberName)
/// <summary>
/// method returns a message with their id
/// </summary>
public SubscriberMessage Subscribe(SubscriberCallback subscriber)
// initial value
SubscriberMessage message = null;
// If the subscriber object exists
if ((NullHelper.Exists(subscriber)) && (HasSubscribers))
// Add this item
// return a test message for now
message = new SubscriberMessage();
// set the message return properties
message.FromName = "Subscriber Service";
message.FromId = ServerId;
message.ToName = subscriber.Name;
message.ToId = subscriber.Id;
message.Data = Subscribers.Count.ToString();
message.Text = "Subscribed";
// return value
return message;
#region Unsubscribe(Guid id)
/// <summary>
/// This method Unsubscribe
/// </summary>
public void Unsubscribe(Guid id)
// if the value for HasSubscribers is true
if ((HasSubscribers) && (Subscribers.Count > 0))
// attempt to find this callback
SubscriberCallback callback = Subscribers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
// If the callback object exists
if (NullHelper.Exists(callback))
// Remove this item
// create a new message
SubscriberMessage message = new SubscriberMessage();
// set the message return properties
message.FromId = ServerId;
message.FromName = "Subscriber Service";
message.Text = callback.Name + " has left the conversation.";
message.ToId = Guid.Empty;
message.ToName = "Room";
// Broadcast the message to everyone
#region Properties
#region Count
/// <summary>
/// This property gets or sets the value for 'Count'.
/// </summary>
public int Count
get { return count; }
set { count = value; }
#region HasSubscribers
/// <summary>
/// This property returns true if this object has a 'Subscribers'.
/// </summary>
public bool HasSubscribers
// initial value
bool hasSubscribers = (this.Subscribers != null);
// return value
return hasSubscribers;
#region ServerId
/// <summary>
/// This property gets or sets the value for 'ServerId'.
/// </summary>
public Guid ServerId
get { return serverId; }
set { serverId = value; }
#region Subscribers
/// <summary>
/// This property gets or sets the value for 'Subscribers'.
/// </summary>
public List<SubscriberCallback> Subscribers
get { return subscribers; }
set { subscribers = value; }
For my chat application, I want it available to all instances, so in your configure services method of Startup.cs, add a Sington:
To make it only available to this browser instance:
Now from both components you can call a method or get to properties on your injected class:
Or if you prefer interfaces, I wrote a blog post about that and I don't want to duplicate the text:
The inject way is pretty cool though, as your entire application can communicate with other user instances for chat.
. The way you share information is the same as React - the state should be held by the parent, and components should trigger updates to that state. Other child components will be updated in response to that state change – Slocum