I need to use a command line on Windows OS to generate the base64 data of a specific file on the screen (without generating a file).
I have see that on Unix system is sufficient to use
cat <file_name>| base64
to obtain the file's contents encoded as base64.
On Windows I'm not able to have the same result.
I have found this solution:
certutil -encode -f <file_name> tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64 && del tmp.b64
But this needs the system to generate a temporary file and so, at the end, go to destroy it.
With just the certutil
command, the result on the screen is contaminated by 3 lines which contain unrelated information.
Could someone help me to provide a command on Windows that produces only the base64 data?
UPDATE: I have improved the result on the screen, by this new version of the command:
certutil -encode -f <file_name> tmp.b64 && cls && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64 && del tmp.b64
The result is more like my requirement,
but I would like to avoid creating the temporary file tmp.b64
every time.
certutil -encode <in-filename> <out-filename>
– Dippold