I was reading about differences between threads and processes, and literally everywhere online, one difference is commonly written without much explanation:
If a process gets blocked, remaining processes can continue execution. If a user level thread gets blocked, all of its peer threads also get blocked.
It doesn't make any sense to me. What would be the sense of concurrency if a scheduler cannot switch between a blocked thread and a ready/runnable thread. The reason given is that since the OS doesn't differentiate between the various threads of a given parent process, it blocks all of them at once.
I find it very unconvincing, since all modern OS have thread control blocks with a thread ID, even if it is valid only within the memory space of the parent process. Like the example given in Galvin's Operating Systems book, I wouldn't want the thread which is handling my typing to be blocked if the spell checking thread cannot connect to some online dictionary, perhaps.
Either I am understanding this concept wrong, or all these websites have just copied some old thread differences over the years. Moreover, I cannot find this statement in books, like Galvin's or maybe in William Stalling's COA book where threads have been discussed.
These are resouces where I found the statements: