I would like to be able to create a #Preview that uses some values that are computed with async/await.
Below is a sample code with the first 2 previews working fine. The last one calling an async func fails.
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct TestUIView: View {
var passedValue:String
var body: some View {
Text("passedValue: \(passedValue)")
#Preview {
let passedValue="My value"
return TestUIView(passedValue: passedValue)
#Preview {
let passedValue=MyClass.getValue()
return TestUIView(passedValue: passedValue)
#Preview {
var passedValue:String {
get async {
return await MyClass.getValueAsync()
return TestUIView(passedValue: passedValue)
class MyClass {
public class func getValue() -> String {
return "from getValue"
public class func getValueAsync() async -> String {
return "from getValueAsync"
The Preview error is: Compiling failed: 'async' property access in a function that does not support concurrency
In the real app, the data passed on is created in async mode and once available passed on to the next View. I want to be able to use the same function that creates this data in the Preview, rather then creating some dummy data only for the #Preview.