I'm trying to come up with a solution as to how I can pass an array of arrays from C# into a native function. I already have a delegate to the function (Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer), but now I'm trying to pass a multidimensional array (or rather; an array of arrays) into it.
This code example works when the input has 2 sub-arrays, but I need to be able to handle any number of sub-arrays. What's the easiest way you can think of to do that? I'd prefer not to copy the data between arrays as this will be happening in a real-time loop (I'm communicating with an audio effect)
public void process(float[][] input)
// If I know how many sub-arrays I have I can just fix them like this... but I need to handle n-many arrays
fixed (float* inp0 = input[0], inp1 = input[1] )
// Create the pointer array and put the pointers to input[0] and input[1] into it
float*[] inputArray = new float*[2];
inputArray[0] = inp0;
inputArray[1] = inp1;
fixed(float** inputPtr = inputArray)
// C function signature is someFuction(float** input, int numberOfChannels, int length)
functionDelegate(inputPtr, 2, input[0].length);