I'm importing data between two different database(which have not the same context).
So I've two different context. The goal is to import some data of the context A to the context B.
Data in the context B are never directly edited, they are only imported from the context A. In the context B, I've in copy the ID from which it has been imported.
Now I'm trying to retrieve a list all data which aren't in the context B or have a more recent version.
I've a ModifiedAt" field in the two table, allowing me to know if the field has been modified.
Here is my current code:
//Here I get all my current data in the context B with their modification time
Dictionary<int,DateTime> currentItems = contextB.Dossiers.ToDictionary(d=>d.MatchingReferenceId, d=>d.ModifiedAt);
//And here the pain starts:
contextA.Dossiers.Where(da=> !currentItems.Keys.Contains(da.Id) || currentItems.FirstOrDefault(db=>db.Key == da.Id).Value <da.ModifiedAt)//And I'm looping on it with a foreach.
The first part(where I check if the context B has the element or not) works, with the second part, I got this exception:
Unable to process the type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[]', because it has no known mapping to the value layer.
But I can't do more simple to have this link between the Id and the modification time(at the start,I was having a POCO class from the other context, I also tried with anonymous type, same result)
What am I missing?
Edit 1
I also tried this with the exact same result: contextA.Dossiers.Where(da=> !currentItems.Keys.Contains(da.Id) || currentItems.Any(db=>db.Key == da.Id && db.Value
Edit 2
I tried lambda, but here it doesn't likes to play with two context at the same time:
var myList = (from db in contextB.Dossiers
let dstId = newContext.Dossiers.Select(d=>d.MatchingReferenceId)
from da in contextA.Dossiers
where !db.Contains(dSource.ID)|| (db.MatchingReferenceId == da.Id && db.ModifiedAt< da.ModifiedAt)
select new {NewId =db.Id, OldId = da.Id});
The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts.
currentItems.FirstOrDefault(db=>db.Key == da.Id)
So you get(currentItems.FirstOrDefault(db=>db.Key == da.Id)).Value
? Without the brackets, its trying to get the value of the Dictionary, instead of getting the value of a single item in the Dictionary. – Beer