Having the following code broken deliberately to identify the source of a NullPointerException in something that should have been very simple but turns out to drive me nuts:
Properties properties = new Properties();
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
InputStream propertiesStream = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties");
if (propertiesStream != null) {
// TODO close the stream
} else {
// Properties file not found!
I get the "Properties file not found!" error, i.e. contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties"); returns null.
This is a CXF-based client and I verified that the "resource.properties" file is in the current directory in which the client's jar resides (and runs).
I also verified the absolute path by including the following diagnostic code:
File file = new File("resource.properties");
The absolute path points to where the client's jar is.
I also tried finding out the context of the class loader, using:
but instead some directory structure as demonstrated here, all I get is:
Why would ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() return null?
What am I missing?
env var and it includes the current directory ("."). I am confused. – Tel