Disclaimer: the following is written under assumption that Erlang disallows mutation completely, of which I'm not sure, because I don't know Erlang well enough.
Seq is internally mutation-based. It maintains "current state" and mutates it on every iteration. So that when you do one iteration, you get the "next value", but you also get a side effect, which is that the enumerator's internal state has changed, and when you do next iteration, you will get a different "next value", and so on. This is usually nicely covered with functional-looking comprehensions, but if you were to ever work with IEnumerator
directly, you will see the non-purity with naked eye.
Another way to think about it is, given a "sequence", you are getting two results: "next value" and "rest of sequence", and then "rest of sequence" becomes your new "sequence", and you can repeat the process. (and the original "sequence" is forever gone)
This line of thought can be directly expressed in F#:
type MySeq<'a> = MySeq of (unit -> ('a * MySeq<'a>))
Meaning: "a lazy sequence is a function that, when applied, returns its head and tail, where tail is another lazy sequence". MySeq of
is included to keep the type from becoming infinite.
(sorry, I'll use F#, I don't know Erlang well enough; I'm sure you can translate)
But then, seeing how sequences are usually finite, the whole thing should be optional:
type MySeq<'a> = MySeq of (unit -> ('a * MySeq<'a>) option)
Given this definition, you can trivially make some constructors:
module MySeq =
let empty = MySeq <| fun () -> None
let cons a rest = MySeq <| fun () -> Some (a, rest)
let singleton a = cons a empty
let rec repeat n a =
if n <= 0 then empty
else MySeq <| fun () -> Some (a, (repeat (n-1) a))
let rec infinite a = MySeq <| fun() -> Some (a, infinite a)
let rec ofList list =
match list with
| [] -> empty
| x :: xs -> MySeq <| fun () -> Some (x, ofList xs)
Map and fold are also trivial:
let rec map f (MySeq s) = MySeq <| fun () ->
match s() with
| None -> None
| Some (a, rest) -> Some (f a, map f rest)
let rec fold f acc0 (MySeq s) =
match s() with
| None -> acc0
| Some (a, rest) -> fold f (f acc0 a) rest
And from fold
you can build everything, which is not a lazy sequence itself. But to build lazy sequences, you need a "rolling fold" (sometimes called "scan"):
let rec scan f state0 (MySeq s) = MySeq <| fun() ->
match s() with
| None -> None
| Some (a, rest) ->
let newState = f state0 a
Some (newState, scan f newState rest)
// reformulate map in terms of scan:
let map f = scan (fun _ a -> f a) Unchecked.defaultof<_>
Here's how to use it:
let emptySeq = MySeq.empty
let numbers = MySeq.ofList [1; 2; 3; 4]
let doubles = MySeq.map ((*) 2) numbers // [2; 4; 6; 8]
let infiniteNumbers =
MySeq.infinite ()
|> MySeq.scan (fun prev _ -> prev+1) 0
let infiniteDoubles = MySeq.map ((*) 2) infiniteNumbers
And in conclusion, I'd like to add that mutation-based solution will nearly always be more performant (all things being equal), at least a little. Even if you immediately throw away old state as you calculate new, the memory still needs to be reclaimed, which is itself a performance hit. The benefits of immutability do not include performance fine-tuning.
Here's my crack at Erlang version. Keep in mind that this is the very first code that I ever wrote in Erlang. As such, I'm sure there are better ways to encode this, and that there must be a library for this already available.
-module (seq).
-export ([empty/0, singleton/1, infinite/1, repeat/2, fold/3, scan/3, map/2, count/1]).
empty() -> empty.
singleton(A) -> fun() -> {A, empty} end.
infinite(A) -> fun() -> {A, infinite(A)} end.
repeat(0,_) -> empty;
repeat(N,A) -> fun() -> {A, repeat(N-1,A)} end.
fold(_, S0, empty) -> S0;
fold(F, S0, Seq) ->
{Current, Rest} = Seq(),
S1 = F(S0, Current),
fold(F, S1, Rest).
scan(_, _, empty) -> empty;
scan(F, S0, Seq) -> fun() ->
{Current, Rest} = Seq(),
S1 = F(S0, Current),
{S1, scan(F, S1, Rest)}
map(F, Seq) -> scan( fun(_,A) -> F(A) end, 0, Seq ).
count(Seq) -> fold( fun(C,_) -> C+1 end, 0, Seq ).
1> c(seq).
2> FiveTwos = seq:repeat(5,2).
3> Doubles = seq:map( fun(A) -> A*2 end, FiveTwos ).
5> seq:fold( fun(S,A) -> S+A end, 0, Doubles ).
6> seq:fold( fun(S,A) -> S+A end, 0, FiveTwos ).
11> seq:count( FiveTwos ).
Type mismatch. Expecting a 'a but given a unit -> ('b * 'a) option The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and 'unit -> ('b * 'a) option'
Unfortunately I know Erlang for circa 3 hours so I have no idea how to translate most of this, especially when I cannot watch it running. – Davao