I have Eclipse (Mars) web development tools installed on a MacBook Air. Recently, hitting f3 stopped opening the declaration.
The key mapping in Eclipse (Mars) - web development tools:
In another Eclipse install (Luna) - Android development tools, where the f3 function is working, the key mapping is:
What is wrong with the Mars version? What do I need to add to get it to work in the Java editor?
I have seen this post, but I don't have the exact same issue. Nothing happens when I hit f3.
Other short cut keys work.
Opening the declaration with the context menu does work.
But there is no key short cut listed in the context menu.
Did this key mapping change with Mars? In my Luna verion, the context menu has the key map listed:
Java Build Path
is valid and that the source file you've opened is in a JavaSource Folder
? – JointerOpen Declaration
functionality and or really is just about key bindings. – Jointeropen declaration
. – Enjambement