I am trying to use GMock (google mocking framework for c++) for the first time. I have the following class:
class LocalCache
virtual time_t GetCurrentTime() = 0;
virtual int AddEntry(const std::string key, std::string& value);
virtual int GetEntry(const std::string key, std::string& value);
The GetEntry
method invokes GetCurrentTime
call. I'd like to mock the GetCurrentTime method so that I can advance the clock in my test to test the aging out of entries which happens as part of the GetEntry
call (please don't ask me why the aging is being done as part of GetEntry
call... that's another discussion :( ). Here's my mock class:
class MockLocalCache : public LocalCache
using LocalCache::GetCurrentTime;
MOCK_METHOD0(GetCurrentTime, time_t());
: mCurrentTime(0)
void EnableFakeTime()
ON_CALL(*this, GetCurrentTime()).WillByDefault(Return(mCurrentTime));
void SetTime(time_t now) { mCurrentTime = now; }
time_t mCurrentTime;
TEST(MockTest, TimeTest)
MockLocalCache mockCache;
std::string key("mykey");
std::string value("My Value");
EXPECT_TRUE(mockCache.AddEntry(key, value));
mockCache.SetTime(10); // advance 10 seconds
std::string expected;
EXPECT_TRUE(mockCache.GetEntry(key, expected));
When I run the test, I expected the mCurrentTime
value to be return by my mock GetCurrentTime
function. However, I get the following error output:
Uninteresting mock function call - taking default action specified at:
Function call: GetCurrentTime()
Returns: 0
Stack trace:
Would appreciate it if someone can let me know what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. Thanks in advance.