I'm using FakeItEasy to fake some Entity Framework calls, to make sure a bunch of weird legacy database tables are getting mapped properly.
I need to assert that a Customer with an Invoice matching a specific DeliveryAddress is being added to the database.
If I do this:
A.CallTo(() => db.Customers.Add(
c => c.Invoices.First().Address == EXPECTED_ADDRESS)
the code works perfectly. I want to streamline the syntax by moving the expectation elsewhere, but when i do this:
var expected = A<Customer>.That.Matches(
c => c.Invoices.First().Address == EXPECTED_ADDRESS)
A.CallTo(() => db.Customers.Add(expected)).MustHaveHappened();
The test fails. What is happening inside the FakeItEasy code that means the expectation expression works when it's inline but can't be captured in a variable and reused later?