As has been pointed out by the user jdamp
the numbers are too large to be represented as 16 bit integer values. I don't know the context of your question, but it may be useful to know that a simple rescaling of the numbers can be done.
import math
import numpy as np
def scale_to(x, x_min, x_max, t_min, t_max):
Scales x to lie between t_min and t_max
r = x_max - x_min
r_t = t_max - t_min
assert(math.isclose(0,r, abs_tol=np.finfo(float).eps) == False)
x_s = r_t * (x - x_min) / r + t_min
return x_s
A conversion of these rather large values into a 16 bit format would then look like this:
array_float = np.array([31784960.12, 69074944.12, 165871616.34])
scaled_array = scale_to(array_float,np.min(array_float),np.max(array_float), -32768,32767)
array_int16 = scaled_array.astype(np.int16)
The values -32768 and 32767 are the largest and smallest value that can be represented by 16 bit. These values represent the min and max value of your input array. All other values are scaled in between. Only then as a final step the type casting is done. So, the resulting output for the values above will look like this:
array([-32768, -14542, 32767], dtype=int16)
Please note, that I changed the input to floating point values just to show this can also be done with float values too.
The numbers can be scaled back to nearly their original value if we remember the min and max values of the original array.
def scale_inv(x_s, x_min, x_max, t_min, t_max):
Inverse scaling
r = x_max - x_min
r_t = t_max - t_min
assert(math.isclose(0,r_t, abs_tol=np.finfo(float).eps) == False)
x = (x_s - t_min) * r / r_t + x_min
return x
inv = scale_inv(array_int16.astype(float), np.min(array_float), np.max(array_float), -32768.0, 32767.0)
The last line gives us back the original values with some round-off errors:
array([3.17849601e+07, 6.90759252e+07, 1.65871616e+08])
The original values were: 31784960.12, 69074944.12, 165871616.34 (as seen above in the code)
This maybe useful for example in audio file conversions. Depending on your context this maybe helpful. (If a simple rescaling with type casting is not what you are looking for, then maybe you need to look at resampling
Keep in mind though, some loss of information is always involved and unavoidable for the resaon given by jdamp
. As an analogy: you usually cannot squeeze the contents of a full large box into a smaller box.
P.S.: For scaling see in particular this link on stack exchange: min-max-scaler Another link is given in the comments of the code.
. What values were you hoping to find in your second array given that a 16-bit integer can only manage up to 65,535 and all your entries exceed that? – Lenz