I'm trying to implement the websocket api for my project, so I was looking at this tutorial https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/announcing-websocket-apis-in-amazon-api-gateway/
I tried to deploy the simple chat app they linked https://serverlessrepo.aws.amazon.com/applications/arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:729047367331:applications~simple-websockets-chat-app
I was able to successfully connect using wscat -c wss://url, but when I try to send a message I get the following error (there are actual id's I'm just not sure where they're generated from so I left them hidden)
{"message": "Forbidden", "connectionId":"sample_id", "requestId":"sample_id"}
I'm not really sure what's wrong as this is supposed to be a completed version (I did successfully deploy and connect to it?) and I would love some assistance