Currently I am trying to inject a stateless EJB into a CDI managed controller on Jboss 6 AS Final. The controller is managed in the context an accessible from the JSF pages. If I inject the stateless bean with @EJB
it is working. If I inject the stateless EJB with @Inject
I get the following Exception:
My controller:
public class TestController {
private TestManagerLocal myTestManager;
My stateless bean:
public class TestManagerBean implements TestManagerLocal {
private EntityManager em;
The Interface of the Bean is annotated with @Local.
If I try to call myTestManager I get the following exception:
WELD-000079 Could not find the EJB in JNDI: class$jboss$weld$bean-jboss$classloader:id="vfs:$$$usr$local$jboss$server$default$deploy$test$ear"-SessionBean-TestManagerBean_$$_WeldProxy
THX a lot.
for this to work? – Crinoid