I am trying to make http requests to a server and examine the content I get back. However, when I try poking around the HTTPResponse object
with ipdb
, I keep getting *** Oldest frame
and I cant run any of the functions on the object that I should be able to run. Here is the block of code doing to fetching, and the ipdb
code block:
for acc in sp_lost:
url = 'http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=mnemonic%3a'+acc+'+active%3ayes&format=tab&columns=entry%20name'
u = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
ipdb output:
ipdb> url
ipdb> u
*** Oldest frame
ipdb> str(u)
'<http.client.HTTPResponse object at 0xe58e2d0>'
ipdb> type(u)
<class 'http.client.HTTPResponse'>
ipdb> u.url
*** Oldest frame
ipdb> u.url() # <-- unable to run url() on object...?
*** Oldest frame
What does the *** Oldest frame
mean, and how can I get this object into something more useful that I can run the appropriate functions on?