After posting this as an issue to the AFNetworking repo, turns out this is in fact a usage issue on my part. Per the response to my issue:
NSURLSession retains its delegate (i.e. AFURLSessionManager). Call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate.
So, long story short: If you are using AHTTPSessionManager
in the manner described below, make sure to call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks:
to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate
Original Question
I have a subclassed AFHTTPSessionManager
called GTAPIClient
that I am using to connect to my REST API. I realize the docs state to use as a singleton but there are a few cases where I need to gin up a new instance. However, it seems that whenever I do so, the object is never deallocated. Currently, GTAPIClient
literally does nothing except NSLog
itself when deallocated.
Here's some sample code that demonstrates the behavior
@implementation GTAPIClient
- (void)dealloc
NSLog(@"Dealloc: %@", self);
#import "GTBaseEntityViewController.h"
#import "GTBaseEntity.h"
#import "GTAPIClient.h"
@interface GTBaseEntityViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) GTAPIClient *client;
@property (nonatomic, weak) GTBaseEntity *weakEntity;
@implementation GTBaseEntityViewController
- (IBAction)makeClient:(id)sender {
self.client = [[GTAPIClient alloc] init];
NSLog(@"I just made an API client %@", self.client);
//Another random object assigned to a similar property, just to see what happens.
self.weakEntity = [[GTBaseEntity alloc] init];
NSLog(@"I just made a random object %@", self.weakEntity);
- (IBAction)checkClient:(id)sender {
NSLog(@"Client: %@", self.client);
NSLog(@"Entity: %@", self.weakEntity);
NSLog output
Fire makeClient:
//It seems to me that both NSLog's should return (null) as they are assigning to a weak property
2014-06-22 16:41:39.143 I just made an API client <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:41:39.144 I just made a random object (null)
Fire checkClient
//Again, both NSLog's should return null for the two objects. However...client is still around. Also, it's overridden dealloc method never fired.
2014-06-22 16:44:43.722 Client: <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:44:43.723 Entity: (null)
For reference, I am using v2.3.1 of AFNetworking. Compiler is warning me that assigning retained object to weak property will release after assignment - which is correct, and functions as expects with my random object. There is nothing else going on in the app. No other view controllers, no other methods on the GTAPIClient
, all singleton functionality is removed. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong here?