If you want to work with infinite lists, you can alternatively also revert to lazy lists. They have also a coinductive reading. Here is a simple Haskell like take predicate in Prolog that will evaluate an initial segment of a lazy list [Head|TailClosure]:
take(0, _, R) :- !, R = [].
take(N, C, [H|R]) :-
call(C, [H|T]),
M is N-1,
take(M, T, R).
And here is a definition of the list of ones in this framework:
As you can see you can expand the coinductive definition:
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?- take(5,one,L).
L = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1].
The requirements to make this work are much lower than in the case of rational terms. You only need a Prolog system that supports call/n which is required by ISO core standard, in its corrigendum 2. On the other hand rational terms are not required.
Its possible to define irrational lists this way and also to code stream processors that combine different streams. There is a growing literature about certain applications as for example exact reals and theorem provers like Coq, HOL/Isabelle, .. can reason about such streams.
Further reading:
Markus Triska - Prolog Streams
Dexter Kozen & Alexandra Silva - Practical Coinduction
Edit 14.08.2018:
It must be said that neither prost from Markus Triska nor my post here did invent lazy lists via higher order calls. We find a 1983 Richard O'Keefe snippet here lazy.pl, where apply/2, the precursor of call/n is used. So I guess it pretty much belongs to Prolog folklore.
, by fixing a special name for all lazy list-defining predicates (i.e., with an "extra level of indirection"). – Hilda