I have a Parent with a OneToMany associations with a Child Table.
I'm trying to write a query with CriteriaBuilder to restrict the results returned from the Child table.
I'm adding a Predicate, something like
cb.equal(parent.get("children").get("sex"), "MALE")
If the Parent has a son or SON and Daughter it's returning that parent but also returning all the children they have.
Hibernate fires off the first query with my predicates but the second query to get the children only uses the JoinColumn in the where clause it doesn't include
cb.equal(parent.get("children").get("sex"), "MALE").
I am using a SetJoin
children = parent.joinSet("children", JoinType.LEFT)
public static Specification<Parent> findPlanBenefits(Integer parentId) {
return (parent, query, cb) -> {
Predicate predicates = cb.conjunction();
List<Expression<Boolean>> expressions = predicates.getExpressions();
//Parent Criteria
expressions.add(cb.equal(parent.get("parentId"), parentId));
//Children Criteria
SetJoin<Parent, Children> children = parent.joinSet("children", JoinType.LEFT);
Predicate sex = cb.equal(children.get("sex"), "MALE");
return predicates;
tags and the arrows. Leave an empty line before the code, and use the indentations to have it correctly formatted. – Lassa