I have to deal with a legacy application that has no tests. So before I begin refactoring I want to make sure everything works as it is.
Now imagine the following situation:
public SomeObject doSomething(final OtherObject x, final String something) {
if(x == null) throw new RuntimeException("x may not be null!");
Now I want to test that null check, so to be sure it works and I don't lose it once I refactor.
So I did this
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void ifOtherObjectIsNullExpectRuntimeException() {
myTestObject.doSomething(null, "testString");
Now, this works of course.
But instead of "testString" I'd like to pass in a random String.
So I tried with:
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void ifOtherObjectIsNullExpectRuntimeException() {
myTestObject.doSomething(null, Mockito.anyString());
But this is not allowed., as I get
org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException: ... You cannot use argument matchers outside of verifications or stubbing
I do understand the meaning of this, but I wonder whether I can still manage to do what I want without parameterizing my test or the like. The only libraries I may use are Junit, AssertJ, Mockito and Powermock.
Any ideas?