I'm using Redux-Saga in a React Native app. When I get the authentication token back from the server, how do I save it to local storage?
I tried using
await AsyncStorage.setItem("token", token);
but React Native complained and said await
was a reserved word.
Am I misunderstanding something? Is the saga code not where I should be doing this?
Here is my code
function* loginFlow(action) {
try {
let username = action.username;
let password = action.password;
const response = yield call(getUser, username, password);
let token = response.headers.get("access-token");
const result = yield response.json();
if (token) {
console.log("success: ", token);
yield put({ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, result });
} else {
if (result.error) {
yield put({ type: LOGIN_FAILURE, error: result.error });
} catch (e) {
yield put({ type: LOGIN_FAILURE, error: e.message });
console.log("error", e);
Edit: Here is the getUser function:
const getUser = (username, password) => {
return fetch(`${apiURL}/${apiVersion}/${apiType}/${apiEndpoint_auth}`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
email: username,
password: password