I am using Pug template engine with Node + Express app.
I need some calculation in the Pug file. For example, I have an array of object and I have to print the sum of all object's amount field and need to show all amount in table
for that, I am using each
loop available in Pug.
I am trying like this :
each discount in el.Discounts
if trxn.category != category
var discountAmount = discount.amount * -1
var distTotal = distTotal + discount.amount
p= distTotal
But it is not working, I want to declare and update the inline variable.
How can I achieve this?
? What is the output you are getting? What are you expecting? Please share some data. – Erstwhilep
be outside if statement? and also just define discountAmount and distTotal before each iterator as 0; – Erstwhile