I am using Capacitor storage to get and set values as seen here https://capacitorjs.com/docs/apis/storage Everything functions correctly however I am getting a large volume of console messages while developing using xcode simulator and safari web inspector, every time I get and set values:
>native Storage.get (#284123)
>native Storage.get (#284124)
>native Storage.get (#284125)
>result Storage.get (#284123)
>native Storage.get (#284126)
My app performs many hundred of these operations.
Tried disabling these logs as described here but still logging
"hideLogs": true
"ios": {
"hideLogs": true
in capacitor.config.json not disabling
it even mentions it here in official docs, but doesn't work, any ideas? https://capacitorjs.com/docs/reference/config
in the root ofconfig
constant. See Capacitor reference – Adulterant