I cant get SOIL working correctly with Visual Studio 2010 – I’m far from an expert with VS but as far as I know only the following steps are necessary to get the environment working:
Properties>>C/C++>General>>Additional include directories Add in the path to SOIL.h
Properties>>Linker>>General>>Additional Library Directories Add in the path to libSOIL.a
I am also using free GLUT and the paths to the glut files are set here as well – I also set the Dubugging>>Environment Path to the GLUT bin file.
When I use the SOIL_load_OGL_texture I get the following error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SOIL_load_OGL_texture referenced in function "void __cdecl init(void)" (?init@@YAXXZ)
Tried renaming libSOIL.a to libSOIL.lib and SOIL.lib but it didn’t work. I then built the VC8 project and used that .lib as suggested here SOIL not linking correctly but that didn’t work either.
I am using sample code from their homepage
GLuint tex_2d;
tex_2d = SOIL_load_OGL_texture
" C:\\Sunset.png",
/* check for an error during the load process */
if( 0 == tex_2d )
printf( "SOIL loading error: '%s'\n", SOIL_last_result() );